Strange Overtones

You can download a new David Byrne & Brian Eno song called "Strange Overtones" at the website for their forthcoming album Everything That Happens Will Happen Today. It's one of those albums without a record label that we're seeing more of these days. I'm looking forward to it.
Labels: brian eno, david byrne, music
I downloaded this a couple days ago. Can't wait for the album. It's surprisingly really, really good (the song) -- I wasn't sure whether they'd really live up to their past work together.
Sometimes John Ulmer and I think so much alike that I wonder if we're not in fact the same person a la Keanu in A Scanner Darkly. I wonder if I created a blog imitating him, or whether I actually created him and have written all his movie reviews, sitting through movies like "Wanted" and then forgetting them in my Adam persona.
Sometimes Adam and I think so much alike that I wonder if we're not in fact the same person a la Keanu in A Scanner Darkly. I wonder if I created a blog imitating him, or whether I actually created him and have written all his Ninja technology advice columns, traveling to Asia and then forgetting these experiences in my John Ulmer persona.
^ Holy shit, what are the chances?! I guess it really IS true.
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