Beatles Remastered

Kind of amazing the Beatles catalog hasn't been properly remastered and the same discs have essentially been out there for 22 years. But on September 9, 2009 they get properly done - all their albums remastered. About time.
Labels: beatles, music
Did you ever hear Let It Be... Naked?
i think i played it once and think i liked the scratchier filler of the original version. of the remasters i'm probably most interested in hearing revolver, sgt. pepper's, white album, magical mystery tour, and abbey road.
Yeah yeah yeah, that's all well and good, but when the bloody hell are they going to remaster the John Lennon/Yoko Ono "Wedding Album"??!?!
I've never heard that album. It has dismal reviews so I assume you're joshing.
It's basically them chanting each other's names for an hour.
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