Sunday, June 26, 2005

Aaron is Drunk, Adam is Psychic

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In which Tonje, Kevin, and I explore the mind of an intoxicated Aaron.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I Don't Know How to Edit

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My comrades critique my audio abilities and contemplate a future in welding.


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Rumors fly about a certain cross-eyed actress from the recent Batman talkie.

Leaving Batman Begins

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In which the narrator and his cohorts evaluate a recent motion picture.

Monday, June 13, 2005

GGP 4: They Used to Race Horses

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An exploration of equestrian amusement in the Golden Gate Park of a bygone era.

GGP 3: The Crow

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A rousing colloquy between a crow and myself.

GGP 2: Please Whistle For Us

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The sound effects in this episode won awards.

GGP 1: Where Am I

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Lost in the predatory jaws of nature.